Permit Regulation

Permit Regulation

Expert permit regulation services streamline the approval process for telecommunications projects. Specializing in right of way, railroad crossings, and joint use applications, the team ensures compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. This efficient and thorough approach minimizes delays and facilitates smooth project execution.

Right of Way

Luck Grove ensures compliance with local municipality guidelines for the placement of infrastructure within their right of way, whether it’s aerial, buried, or underground. They leverage local expertise to understand and adhere to specific local regulations, facilitating smooth project approvals. Comprehensive compliance ensures all placements meet municipal standards to avoid delays and legal issues. Established relationships with local authorities expedite the approval process, ensuring efficient project execution.

Railroad Crossings

Luck Grove has extensive experience collaborating with major railroad companies across the nation to secure timely and efficient approvals for railroad crossings. They utilize established contacts with railroad companies to streamline the approval process. Leveraging past experience, they navigate the complexities of railroad crossing permits efficiently. This ensures project timelines are met by securing necessary permissions without unnecessary delays.

Joint-Use Applications

Luck Grove handles joint-use applications with telecom and power companies, including all necessary make-ready engineering to facilitate the use of foreign poles. They maintain proactive communication, informing relevant parties about the intention to use foreign poles in advance. Performing all required engineering tasks to prepare poles for joint use, they ensure streamlined processes for seamless integration with existing infrastructure through efficient application handling.

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